Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District - ABC News

Ohio Mom Kelley Williams-Bolar Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School District - ABC News

1 comment:

White Collar said...

Most people are appalled with the treatment of Williams-Bolar in Akron, Ohio except most people in Ohio.

They charged Williams-Bolar and her father with defrauding school services and tampering with records; yet, school officials in the largest district in Ohio are ignoring millions of dollars being defrauded and ignoring the SES Director stating on video she caught one vendor, in particular, blatantly defrauding the SES program. A vendor, who before they were caught, had already been paid over $90,000.

Check out Attorney Bob Fitrakis' follow-up article in the Free Press on this NCLB Scam.

Ohio officials are quick to give Williams-Bolar what they call her “just due” while ignoring these SES vendors blatantly stealing millions of our taxpayer dollars with fake tutoring companies.

White collar crime is so much easier to get away with if you steal millions.

If anyone wants to compare the two through their blog, we in Ohio , who support Williams-Bolar, would certainly appreciate it.