Saturday, August 25, 2012

FILM REVIEW: 2016: Love Him, Hate Him, You Don't Know Him (August 25, 2012)

Two weeks ago I went to see 2016: Love Him, Hate Him, Now You Know Him. For those unfamiliar with this documentary, it is co-directed and narrated by Conservative author, speaker and President of King's College in New York City Dinesh D'Souza. The documentary begins briefly touching on D.Souza's migration to America from India and his cultural upbringing. This not only serves as a great introduction to Mr. D'Souza's personal background for us to relate with, but also adds contrast to Barack Obama's own upbringing. The thesis is a conflict of ideologies, really. The mainstream media never vetted then-Senator Barack Obama so the public didn't know who they were voting for as President of the United States. Even D'Souza was taken in by the Obama.

But like D'Souza, many Americans were confused, shocked, and left in disbelief with Obama's broken promises and radical leftist policies he's implemented. D'Souza explores the roots of Obama's upbringing and ideology in his book: The Roots of Obama's Rage. D'Souza was highly criticized by the press and Democrats when he published "How Obama Thinks" in Forbe's magazine earlier this year. These are the works that inspired the production of the documentary 2016.

Regardless of where one stands on the political aisle, the fact is that Dinesh D'Souza thoroughly researched his hypothesis before publishing his conclusions. Its tough to argue against the facts he hits hard with the documentary. Its by no means an "Anti-Obama" documentary as other movie review sites have labeled it. This is a closer look into the roots of Obama's ideology, his influences and upbringing that shaped him into the person he is today. Whether we like him or don't, this is a documentary for all of us to see. No one really knows Barack. 

Actions speak louder than words. After watching the documentary, I knew that it was right on covering Obama's past. Why else would he continue to deconstruct American value, scuander the American dream, and punish business owners and the like?

I strongly recommend this documentary. It is the first ever documentary I watched at the theatre. At 1 hour and 30 minutes, its easy to get through. Never a dull moment.

2016: Love Him, Hate Him, Now You Know Him is rated PG for thematic elements, and some language, smoking images.

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