Got to give credit to where credit is due. Obama sure knows how to talk! He can breeze through tongue twisters, mesmerize the audience with his eloquence, convert the non-followers into campaign volunteers, and repel his critics easily. The trouble is, as incredibly articulate as he is, Obama ends up saying nothing at all. His followers would hate to acknowledge that so they don't.
President Bush can’t speak too well, but his speeches contain substance. Obama is all style. Americans are being swept away by style over substance. Some so-called Conservatives nowadays are abandoning their principles to vote for Obama. Obama offers The People what they sorely miss: a guy that can talk. By that virtue Obama is ahead in the polls by manipulating the public into believing his empty rhetoric.
SCORE: Obama – 1; America – 0
Those so-called “Conservatives” buy into this whole “change” campaign Obama is running. Sure, he bears the marking of a true politician: tell the people what they want to hear even if you can’t fulfill the promise(s).
SCORE: Obama – 2; America – 0
Obama doesn't even have 2 years of Senate experience and he’s running as if he knows as much as the fossil of information that is John McCain, the Republican frontrunner. Most people may not know that about him. Ask them what Obama has done in his years in public office that convinces them to vote for him, and they can’t say why. All they say is, “It’s time for a change.”
SCORE: Obama – 3; America – 0
Okay, so Obama has no credentials to be president but look at where the experienced have gotten us! We’re engaged in an “endless war” concocted by the oil-seeking Bush Administration. We’re the most vilified country on earth. We’re destroying the environment because of the Bush war machine and corporate lobbyist pandering. Etc. Of course The People prefer someone that has no markings on him (i.e. no experience = no corruption).
SCORE: Obama - 4; America – 0
Obama is the frontrunner for the Democratic Party and the Presidential race. It’s his for the taking. A moron as big as Obama, who sympathizes with Communists, who pushes for the murder of innocent unborn children – excuse me – women’s right to choose, gay marriage rights, over-the-counter methamphetamines (i.e. legal marijuana), and willing to negotiate with terrorists (Iran and others) is capable of taking the White House November 2008 and many of The People support him.
SCORE: Obama – 5; America – -1
Yes, Obama can and may win. In the end, America loses all because Conservatives will sit the election out and liberals will bandwagon behind a man who supports their values.
America is on the verge of going to hell in a hand basket! I'll explain why next time!
[I wrote this back in February 29, 2008!]
[I wrote this back in February 29, 2008!]
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