Dear Sarah,
I am one of your many admirers! The best thing to come out of the John McCain campaign was and still is you!
McCain’s aides, the media, and others blame you for McCain’s downfall but I strongly disagree. Sure, Obama won the election with an Electoral College landslide vote, but "only" 8 million more people voted for him in a voter turnout on par with 2004. That means many on the right shifted left, no? No!
Many demoralized Conservatives sat this election out. I almost sat it out too until the day before I decided to cast my vote for you not McCain. McCain and I have fundamental differences but you I’m all but in love with. You see, Sarah, America needs you. The GOP needs you. Let me explain why you prevented McCain from totally being humiliated in this election.
Many believed that voters center-to-left might actually vote for McCain or that the Hillary voters would turn to McCain. I’m sure they were right but there was one major problem: McCain alienated the conservative vote. Last I checked, no Republican contender has ever won the election by ignoring the conservative vote. McCain refused to meet with Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family. He distanced himself from religious leaders that spoke truth, etc. McCain knew he was in a slump so he made the drastic and desperate decision to choose you as his running mate. Guess what? All those Conservative voters on the fence about whether or not to vote this election were finally given a push to vote. That didn’t mean it would convince them, mind you, but it did give McCain more votes than he might have gotten otherwise.
You’re the reason Obama didn’t win in a popular vote landslide. That’s why there’s talk about you being the Republican front-runner for 2012. You can unite and lead the Republican Party that has lost its identity over the past 8+ years.
You’re a glimmer of hope in these dark times.
Please, don’t be disheartened by the election results. I was of the belief Obama would win it all when he was the underdog against Hillary (i.e. he was going to win no matter what. It was just a question “by how much?”) A lot of us voted for you not McCain. Sure, you weren’t sharp against some of the “common sense” questions thrown at you, but next time you will be ready. Consider this your rookie year to learn from your mistakes and build on your strengths.
You have the potential to be this country’s first female president. Once the Republican Party finds itself again, they will come to terms about being wrong about blaming you for McCain’s loss.
Thanks for making the election interesting, Sarah. And thanks for being true to yourself!
Your admirer,
Andres Segovia
brings tears to my eyes.... Now, you need to get this to her!!!
Hey, "Hello"!
I'm working on it ;-) and thanks for reading!
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