Wednesday, June 6, 2012

THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE IS EMINENT: Man Bit Off Large Chunk Of Victim's Face | The Smoking Gun

REPORT: From the Zombie Apocalypse news desk comes word of the arrest of a Louisiana man who bit off a chunk of the face of a victim whom he allegedly battered during a bloody attack Saturday.

According to cops, Carl Jacquneaux, 42, attacked Todd Credeur outside the victim’s home in Scott, a city in Lafayette Parish. After punching Credeur in the face, Jacquneaux bit the 48-year-old victim in the face, “removing a large amount of flesh,” police reported.

An arrest warrant affidavit charges that Jacquneaux “began biting Mr. Credeur in the face, removing flesh the size of a quarter below the victim’s left eye.” A second affidavit accused Jacquneaux of “biting off half his cheek” and referenced “information” that Jacquneaux “had been up for several days on Meth.”

When officers responded to the fight scene, they found Credeur covered in blood and with “several lacerations to his facial area along with a gaping wound underneath the left eye.” Credeur, who was transported to a local hospital for treatment, is now recuperating at home.


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