Monday, November 5, 2012

LAST DAY: The NewsReel's California Resident Voter's Guide for the Presidential Election 2012!

The time is almost here! The Presidential Election is tomorrow November 6, 2012.

Keep in mind, your City may have other items on the ballot such as City Measures, City Representatives, District Representative, City Council, City Mayor, etc. It is your responsibility to read and study up the measures in your city. Remember, you are in no way obligated to vote on all the items on ballot.

Here are my picks for the California Proposition Initiatives and Statutes:

Prop 30 – Temporary Taxes to Fund Education, Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding
Proposition 30 is Governor Jerry Brown’s proposed solution to solve the state’s budget crisis. How? By raising taxes rather than cutting further unnecessary spending in the state budget, of course. California’s unemployment rate is a record high and businesses are leaving the state, Proposition 30 is not the solution to our state’s financial crisis.
Want to know more about this Proposition? Check out my previous post here
Vote NO on Prop 30

Prop 31 – State Budget, State and Local Government
Proposition 31 sounds like but is not the much-needed solution to our state’s financial mess. This would give State and Local governments "dictatorship-like" powers. We can't let leftist continue to assume more power!
Vote NO on Prop 31

Prop 32 – Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction. Contribution to Candidates
Proposition 32 will stop the influence of powerful liberal unions. Unions will be required to get expressed authorization in writing from their members in order to deduct from member's paychecks money that goes to campaign contributions. The powerful liberal unions of the state are foaming at the mouth over this.
Vote YES on Prop 32

Prop 33 – Auto Insurance Companies, Prices based on Driver’s History of Insurance Coverage
Proposition 33 would change the law so that insurance companies can set prices based on whether or not a person had previously carried auto insurance with a company. The whole thing sounds fishy. Read more about this on the complete Voter Guide below.
Vote NO on Prop 33

Prop 34 – Death Penalty
Proposition 34 would ban the death penalty in California. All those prisoners currently sitting on death row would receive life in prison sentences. I support the death penalty as a deterrent to crime.
Vote NO on Prop 34

Prop 35 – Human Trafficking, Penalties
Proposition 35 is needed to help stop the deadly practice of human trafficking for sexual and commercial purposes.
Vote YES on Prop 35

Prop 36 – Three Strikes Law, Repeat Felony Offenders, Penalties
Proposition 36 would change the current “Three Strikes and You’re Out” law in effect here in California. It would mean a third felony crime would not be subject to the current 25 years to life sentence. Prop 36 would have the current “Three Strikes” law only apply to crimes considered to be “serious” or “violent”. Get rid of the Death Penalty that's hardly ever used, soften current crime laws, and somehow all this will deter crime?!
Vote NO on Prop 36

Prop 37 – Genetically Engineered Foods. Labeling
Proposition 37 would result in selfish lawsuits by trial lawyers and higher costs on the price of food, after all, this Prop is on the ballot because of a lawyer!. Prop 37 would require all processed food and raw food to have new labels on them revealing if food contains plants or animals with genetic material that was altered. Sounds good but the trade off is higher food prices.
Vote NO on Prop 37

Prop 38 – Tax to Fund Education and Early Childhood Programs
Proposition 38 is a massive tax increase on personal income that would last for 12 years if passed. Prop 38 is the backup plan in case Prop 30 fails.
Vote NO on Prop 38

Prop 39 – Tax Treatment For Multistate Business. Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Funding
Proposition 39 is another tax increase just like Propositions 30 and 38. Get the picture? The liberal solution to any problem is to raise taxes.
Vote NO on Prop 39

Prop 40 – Redistricting. State Senate Districts
Proposition 40 is similar to the one voters passed in 2010. The previous prop (Proposition 20), removed the power for the liberal politicians to draw districts for themselves. An independent citizen commission now draws the district, but not all the districts.
Vote YES on Prop 40

So here's a recap:

Vote NO on Prop 30
Vote NO on Prop 31
Vote YES on Prop 32
Vote NO on Prop 33
Vote NO on Prop 34
Vote YES on Prop 35
Vote NO on Prop 36
Vote NO on Prop 37
Vote NO on Prop 38
Vote NO on Prop 39
Vote YES on Prop 40

Here are the complete Voter's Guide. There's both an English and Spanish version of the guide. Yup, I went the extra mile here. Got questions or concerns about the guide? Leave a comment and let me know!

Thanks for reading and Godspeed!

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