Tuesday, September 20, 2011

OFFICIAL: The Critic Corner's new home is HERE!

I'm proud to re-introduce The Critic Corner!

The Critic Corner is a passion project that was born around the same time I started out in the political forum. In the span of 8 years I wrote at over 70 film reviews, produced industry analysis articles, and recorded hours of podcasts including hosting my own award show for 4 yeras! Among my proudest achievements are pre-screens of films I got to review including an exclusive invitation by Warner Bros for The Dark Knight! 2008 remains my peak year in reviews after which I got over-burdened with work and discouraged by the junk Hollywood continued to pour out.

A year and half after "retirement I find myself still reviewing films and the industry. Its a hobby that just won't quit! Too bad I didn't publish in the past year and a half including my spot-on analysis of the upcoming The Dark Knight Rises!

Well, after searching for years on how to fully realize my news site, I finally settled on The NewsReel! I love the format and layout! Its nearly everything I wanted it to be! You can find weather, stock, tech, opinion editorials, new clips, podcasts, even sports on this site! But no site is complete without the film industry! Thus the re-launch of The Critic Corner was all but inevitable! I'll be bringing my box office analysis and my re-formatted review standard typically on the weekend with the occasional podcast!

Its an exciting fall for my site! Thank you for your support and for visiting the site!

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