Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cain: Wife didn't know about friendship, ‘financial assistance' to Ginger White | New Hampshire NEWS0605

REPORT: Herman Cain acknowledged Thursday that he repeatedly gave Ginger White money to help her with "month-to-month bills and expenses" without telling his wife of more than 40 years.

In fact, the embattled presidential candidate said, his wife, Gloria, "did not know that we were friends until she (White) came out with this story" alleging that the two had a 13-year extramarital affair.



Anonymous said...

As a public personality and public speaker, Cain would be meeting and knowing thousands of people (not all necessarily known to his wife) and would have helped hundreds of people. So the title is misleading.

Andres Segovia said...

Couldn't agree more. The title is directly from I Link to the preview of the story I post.