Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bowl-a-Thon Group Touts Raising Funds for 14-Year-Old’s Abortion | CNSNews.com

REPORT: The National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), who last month raised over $400,000 for abortions through its Bowl-a-Thon, touted that it provided money for a 14-year-old’s abortion as part of the group's “real stories of abortion access.”

On its website in a post entitled, “Getting an abortion means getting a second chance,” NNAF highlights the story of Darcy, a 14-year-old who terminated her pregnancy with the help of the group’s “George Tiller Memorial Fund.”

Darcy said a clinic put her in touch with NNAF because the “abortion was going to cost more than our rent.”

“There’s no way that me and my mom could have come up with that much,” she said.

“Getting my abortion means I'm going to get a second chance. And I want to make it count.”


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