Saturday, January 2, 2016

SOUNDTRACK REVIEW: Rat Race by John Powell

Without a doubt, this is one of my favorite John Powell scores! I paid $50 for this and don't regret a penny. I'll explain why.

When I first saw the movie, the music stood out. It was one of those fast paced, funny scores that would put a smile on your face when you're down or lazy.

"Let's Meet Our Contestants" is a funny track played by a clarinet then a violin then tuba (?). Very different shifts in instruments each playing the same solo piece.

"The Chase Begins" is the best track. It starts off with racing strings and trombone then slows to another funny theme played by a clarinet before becoming tense and accelerating back into full gear. The latter part of the song is joined by the choir then the presence of the "Rat Race Theme" as the orchestra goes crazy. Very enjoyable!

"Flights Cancelled" is the second part of the song as the contestants discover alternative means of traveling to Sliver City, New Mexico to get the cash. ("Rat Race Theme" present.)

"Helicopter Dance" is another good song involving the main theme being played in a "Flying Dutchman" style. The female chorus is most present in this track making it another one of my favorites.

The rest of the album is fun too. New themes are introduced in "Wanna See a Heart", "Stealing Some Gas" and "The Squirrel Lady". The "Rat Race Theme" makes its last and longest appearance in "Arrival at Silver City."

This is a great orchestral/choral, slap-stick humorous score and is a must-have for all music lovers. Truly one of John Powell's greatest scores. Some say Evolution is another good soundtrack. I haven't heard it myself but check it if you want.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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